Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

The royal seal of Kraton Jogja

Lambang Kraton Jogja

Still from the land of Jogja, now I present to you the royal seal of Sultan Hamengku Buwana. In Javanese language the seal is called "Praja Cihna". Kings of Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (Jogja or Yogyakarta) used the symbol to validate their official letters. Since the kingdom has become a cultural power of the people, sometimes common people who has no relationship with the palace also use the symbol to express their pride of being Jogja people. They put stickers or badges of it on their motorbikes, cars, tables or on the guest's room wall. You're right, I post this picture so that you can put it on your desktop as well! [skd]

Size: 1024*768

1 komentar:

  1. matur nuwun mas kandar... wallpaper-nya yahud sekali... eh, karena born javanese juga milik mas kandar, dadi sisan wae ya.... semua lakon wayang wis dak download.... dan wis tak rungokna sinambi nglembur kerjaan... singkat kata, semua download-an wayange wis rampung... kapan ada lakon anyar???


Photography and graphic designing are funny hobbies. That’s what I feel when I’m doing with the pictures on this blog. Making wallpapers is just my first entry to those interests. The rest is a process of learning, appreciation, exploration and creativity. The results are more than just materials. They could be translations of self-actualization upon the beauties before me.
What about you? [skd] About this blog.